
While residents may have varying physical limitations, they all have one thing in common: they are young at heart! Employees and volunteers in our activities department put the “heart” in Hearthside with their never-ending commitment to providing fun, stimulating, social activities for all residents.

Activities are more than just fun. An article published in iAdvance Senior Care in 2010 highlights the psychological advantages of activities in places like nursing homes and assisted living facilities. The author, a licensed psychologist, noted the following:

  • Activities reverse the downward spiral of depression.
  • Structured days are happier days.
  • Activities become more important when all days are leisure days.
  • Fostering relationships with other residents is part of successful activities.

Gardening at Hearthside Assisted LivingHearthside residents enjoy a wide range of activities, including:

  • Seated Tai Chi classes
  • Gardening with Elementary School “buddies”
  • Sing-A-Long Sessions
  • Field Trips (County Fair, Apple Picking Luncheon, Avery Square activities, etc)
  • In-House Concerts
  • Movie Nights and Game Afternoons
  • Craft Projects
  • Holiday Festivities
  • Manicures (compliments of cosmetology school)

Learn more about what’s happening at Hearthside by reading our newsletter, linked here: